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Our Projects

  • Cafe & Restaurant

  1. Salon de AManTo
  2. Chikyuudama
  3. Cafe Minto
  • Bar

  1. AManTo Bar Shuka
  2. Bar Soranto
  3. Cafe Minto
  • Entertainment

  1. Tennen geijyutsu Kenkyusho (Theater)
  2. Tengeki Cinema Toron (Movie Theater)
  • Fortune Telling

  1. Seian's Fortune Telling (Fortune Telling &Feng Shui)
  2. Omikuji (Sacred Lots) You can draw the sacred lots at Salon de AManTo, Shuka, Soranto, Chikyuudama and Minto.
  • Purchase

  1. AManTo Trico Books
  2. Junkan (net shop)
  • Accommodation

  1. AManTo Guest House
  • Learn

  1. Cafe University (culture school)
  • Participate

  1. Staff
  • Create

  1. Tennei Konsu (film production)
  • Rent

  1. AManTo Trico Gallery
  2. AManTo Cocoro Museum
  3. Utsushibe (picture developping)
  4. Cafe MinTo Wall gallery
  • Manpower & Specialist Requirements

  1. Office Paradise (entertainers, artists, dancers, musicians, performers, actors & actresses, mcs, cameramen...)

Schedule (schedules for events and culture classes)

AManTo people (introduction to AManTo staff = AmanTo-bito)

●Mail Magazine (subscribe to the mail magazine in Japanese) →  http://www.melma.com/backnumber_180105/

●AManTo Road


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